Maia's Museum of History and Etnology

As part of “Cultura Inclui” [Culture includes] we developed a project to redesign the permanent exhibition.
The main objective is to promote greater public involvement with culture, making the Museum an inclusive space, open to all. Digital content and devices were implemented and the narrative of the exhibition was redefined.
The strategy was to create stations (stopping points) along the two rooms of the Museum, allowing a clear and simple reading of the exhibition contents and an appropriate story-telling. Each station has an explanatory text, the respective translation into Braille and a QR code that allows access to the web space for more information.
One of the main points was the creation and construction of a pedagogical table that receives the several activities promoted by the Museum with schools and groups of children, being a great focus of the Museum on the mission to bring culture to everyone.
This project is an initiative of the Culture Division of Maia City Hall, funded by the Regional Operational Program of the North – North 2020 – Culture for all.